Niamh Clune

Environment, poetry, comment, children's books,

Wednesday Poetry Corner With Erik & Josie Weibel

I have something very special for you today. Here is a poem submitted for the MOTHER anthology by 12 year old Erik Weibel. I LOVE this poem. It says it all! And the illustration is by Erik’s 10 yr old sister. The picture Josie drew is of a water lily floating in a pond. She was thinking of her mum when she drew this and knows green is her mum’s favourite colour, but she wanted there to be more colors because, said Josie to her mum,  “You are more than the color green.” When her mum asked her why she chose not to color the water blue, she said “Your water would never just be blue!”

Thank you to mama Ginny, Josie, and the wonderful Erik for this fabulous contribution. And don’t forget to send in yours! Plum Tree Books MOTHER Anthology

Art By Josie Weibel aged 10 copyright 2014

By Me

by Erik Weibel aged 12 

Gray strands in my mother’s hair,
Put there by me.
Worry lines on my mother’s brow,
Put there by me.
Salty tears in my mother’s eyes,
Put there by me.
Aching knot in my mother’s back,
Put there by me.
Pretty smile reflecting pride and joy and unending love on my mother’s face,

Put there by me.

copyright 2014


About Dr Niamh

When I was a little girl (a very, very long time ago), I used to love learning new, really big words like ‘discombobulate’. As I grew, my love of words grew too, until I loved them so much, I could not stop writing them down. One day, as I was scribbling a particular word, a very peculiar thing happened. The word shouted at me, “Stop! Don’t put me there!” As you can imagine, I was shocked and nearly fell off my chair. When I recovered somewhat, I said to the word, “Could you stop shouting, please? I am not used to it.” Can you guess what happened next? No! I thought not. The word said, “I might be small, but I will misbehave if you do not use me properly. I will not tell the story you would like me to tell. I will say something entirely different!” I dropped my pen. I hoped that by dropping my pen, the word would stop talking. Alas! It did not. It carried on chitterchobbling, even after the ink had dried. I was in a pickle. I could not allow my words to run away with my story, now could I? I don’t know about you, but when this sort of thing happens, there is only one thing left to do if you prefer not to spend your time arguing. “Very well,” said I. “I will do as you ask if you will just be quiet and allow me to concentrate.” Since that day, I have been paying special attention to every word I invite into my stories. After all, a story should say exactly what it means to say and not be led astray. With love from Dr. Niamh, Ph.D in Learning Through The Imagination and Founder of Dr Niamh Children's Books.

15 comments on “Wednesday Poetry Corner With Erik & Josie Weibel

  1. Sue Lobo
    May 21, 2014

    This is so very beautiful Erik & as a mum it made me shed tears, so lovely & the artwork is beautiful too, what lovely children, what beautiful talent reflected through their


    • ontheplumtree
      May 21, 2014

      I so heartily agree, Sue They are a super family. Thank you so much for stopping by.


  2. scillagrace
    May 21, 2014

    Marvelous pairing! What a delight to hear from truly creative children. (There were close to 800 school kids at the museum yesterday…sadly, no glimmers even approximating the feeling in this post.)


  3. Patricia Tilton
    May 21, 2014

    Beautiful entry from both Josie and Erik. I love Josie’s responses about color in relationship to her mother. Erik, your poem brought tears to my eyes. Simple but powerful. You both have a very loving family.


  4. Darlene
    May 22, 2014

    This poem brought tears to my eyes. It is just wonderful Erik. The painting by Jose is awesome. What a great team!


  5. patriciasands
    May 22, 2014

    How sweet is this post? What thoughtful, loving and sensitive children … a result that can only be reached through fine parenting. Thank you for sharing this, Niamh!


    • ontheplumtree
      May 22, 2014

      Hi Patricia! Yes! It is really lovely. It really caught the brief exactly too. Lovely to see you.


  6. thiskidreviewsbooks
    May 22, 2014

    Thank you everyone! That means a lot to me! Your responses have made my day! 😀


    • ontheplumtree
      May 22, 2014

      You made our day, Erik. And you got some pretty neat responses on Facebook also.


      • ontheplumtree
        May 22, 2014

        P.s. Erik. Please tell Josie how uch we love her art!


  7. stanleyandkatrina
    May 22, 2014

    Beautiful, both the poem, Erik, and the illustration, Josie. You both brought tears to my eyes. Well done.
    ~Cool Mom for
    The Gang. 🙂


  8. Rena Marthaler
    May 23, 2014

    Erik, what a beautiful poem, and extra special coming from a 12-year-old son – moms usually have to wait a good 30 years for such a tribute! Your mom must be so moved. Your sister’s words are just as special. – Rena’s mom.


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