Niamh Clune

Environment, poetry, comment, children's books,

Myths Are Parables!

Inspired by a blog by The Secret Keeper on the importance of story in our lives, I thought I would add something of my own, expressed here though a poem I published in the original version of The Coming Of The Feminine Christ.

The Secret Keeper included this quote by Rilke in her post, which has inspired my response:

“How should we be able to forget those ancient myths that are at the beginning of all peoples, the myths about dragons that at the last moment turn into princesses; perhaps all the dragons of our lives are princesses who are only waiting to see us once beautiful and brave. Perhaps everything terrible is in its deepest being something helpless that wants help from us.” 

Rainer Maria Rilke, Letters to a Young Poet

Heaven Of Angels: “It is not because angels are holier than men or devils that makes them angels, but because they do not expect holiness from one another, but from God only.” William Blake.

Myths Are Parables

By Niamh Clune

Myths are parables
that speak in tongues
of universal lives
out of which
human consciousness is molded.

We live in them
as they live in us.
We move in them
as they move in us.

Universal lives,
doing battle with their own shadows,
influencing the zodiac,
blazing their trail across the heavens,
charting the journey
each soul must make.

Turning the wheel of incarnation,
They bequeath us their myths:
heavenly maps that guide
each lost and wandering soul home.

Their myths allegorise the inner life.
Their angelic imperfections are the sins
that keep us on the cross of suffering.

We, the weary travelers seeking resolution,
must atone for the sins of angels,
first born of Spirit.

Thus, is spirit baptized…
through the mystical Blood
that courses in our veins.

Niamh Clune copyright 2013

About Dr Niamh

When I was a little girl (a very, very long time ago), I used to love learning new, really big words like ‘discombobulate’. As I grew, my love of words grew too, until I loved them so much, I could not stop writing them down. One day, as I was scribbling a particular word, a very peculiar thing happened. The word shouted at me, “Stop! Don’t put me there!” As you can imagine, I was shocked and nearly fell off my chair. When I recovered somewhat, I said to the word, “Could you stop shouting, please? I am not used to it.” Can you guess what happened next? No! I thought not. The word said, “I might be small, but I will misbehave if you do not use me properly. I will not tell the story you would like me to tell. I will say something entirely different!” I dropped my pen. I hoped that by dropping my pen, the word would stop talking. Alas! It did not. It carried on chitterchobbling, even after the ink had dried. I was in a pickle. I could not allow my words to run away with my story, now could I? I don’t know about you, but when this sort of thing happens, there is only one thing left to do if you prefer not to spend your time arguing. “Very well,” said I. “I will do as you ask if you will just be quiet and allow me to concentrate.” Since that day, I have been paying special attention to every word I invite into my stories. After all, a story should say exactly what it means to say and not be led astray. With love from Dr. Niamh, Ph.D in Learning Through The Imagination and Founder of Dr Niamh Children's Books.

13 comments on “Myths Are Parables!

  1. Uncle Tree
    February 10, 2013

    I love your Spirit, Niamh! ♥ I give it a hearty, “Amen!”
    A fantastically interesting prose piece, this is!

    From the oh-so sensitive ideas and postulates
    that beautifully populate the pages in your book,
    to the thoughtful advice and promising possibilities
    found therein, you have my respect – the deepest, in fact.

    Kudos galore! 🙂 Keith


    • ontheplumtree
      February 10, 2013

      Thank You! I am deeply touched by your lovely words. Again, many thanks,


  2. theclaudiofiore
    February 10, 2013

    Reblogged this on The Claudio Fiore and commented:
    Inspired by a blog by The Secret Keeper on the importance of story in our lives, I thought I would add something of my own, expressed here though a poem I published in the original version of The Coming Of The Feminine Christ.- (


  3. Pingback: Myths Are Parables! « West Coast Review

  4. the secret keeper
    February 10, 2013

    WoW… What depth of mystery you have plunged into and uncovered but only seen through the unconscious. Quite a puzzle. It is as though a labyrinth of thought and metaphysical reality exploded as the spirit of angels touched the mystical blood of humans and baptized all divine. The answers are given but to decipher one must enter into a divine madness and open to the messages from the higher of powers. Esoterica and beyond. Brilliant. Genius. Boundless imagination touched with the ethereal mists of real-ness. Layers appearing possibly simplistic but complicated as hell but let’s not any of us follow that path. My mind needs to transcend from sanity and open to chaotic disorder and probe until I absorb the conceptualization of the organized chaos that is the universe of now which contain the proponents of infinity hidden from our conscious capabilities or capacities to comprehend. What I just wrote may appear like Alice in Wonderland and sense is really non-sense but it is organized in my mind and does contain a level of thought that walks on the edge or fringe of a spiritual reality or noumenal fantasy (and not using fantasy in this sense to determine as purely imaginary or not even imaginary) beyond my mental grade to perceptualize the phenomenon into human language. But you have created a bridge from both sides. Now I am being linear and we are far from that dimension. Your poetic prose goes beyond intelligence and your sight beyond seeing. You have entered the realm of interdimentional travel between levels of consciousness that are impossible for humans to traverse in any way but through a non-corporeal transcendence. That’s if it is done without having to die first. Is it possible to experience the angelic myth through astral projection, to actually experience it’s existence, as I stated without first having to die and have a complete transcendence, As I stated earlier, your words are so well structured that the complication of which you magically materialize in a understandable form is actually so much more then it appears to be. Too analytical? Not enough poet absorbing the experience. Still say it is brilliant. jk


    • ontheplumtree
      February 10, 2013

      Fantastic response, Jennifer!


      • the secret keeper
        February 10, 2013

        Votre commentaire a fait m’avoir le plus charmant de rire. C’était si parfait. Votre poste et le poème étaient si profonds qu’il a appelé un puits a pensé hors et la réponse ésotérique. Ma réponse tout été sensé vraiment qui est pourquoi je pense que vous l’avez obtenu. Merci pour la mention honorable. Cela était généreux et tout à fait significatif à moi. Vous êtes un ange dans ce royaume et touchez ma vie tout à fait profondément. J’ai attendu avec impatience votre poste mais n’étais pas sûr quand la révélation était d’arriver. Brava ! jennifer


  5. thiskidreviewsbooks
    February 10, 2013

    WOW! What a great poem! This made me think of an idea for a book. It really got me thinking!


    • ontheplumtree
      February 11, 2013

      Erik! This is so difficult a concept even for the most brilliant of minds, and there you are…being inspired by it. You never cease to amaze me.


  6. Patricia Tilton
    February 11, 2013

    The journey of the soul and the aspirant — abosolutely beautiful. Not for the light-hearted, but for those with a strong inner will.


    • ontheplumtree
      February 11, 2013

      The strong inner will! Oh yes! May I say…1st ray…if you know what I mean by this…I assume? And that is exactly what I describe and agree that it is somewhat esoteric! Love having you there Patricia!


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